Urban & Business Applications of Geographic Information Systems
In this advanced course, students apply their skills in geospatial technology to complete projects relevant to the Fort Worth community. In the past, students have used GIS to assist Fort Worth-area nonprofit organizations. Students worked directly with the nonprofits as their clients, and designed projects that contributed directly to the organizations’ initiatives. Partner organizations have included Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Tarrant Area Food Bank, and Fort Worth South, Inc.
Student project examples:
- Tarrant Area Food Bank: http://tarrantareafoodbanktcu.weebly.com/
- Fort Worth South, Inc.: http://fortworthsouthgroup.weebly.com/
- Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: http://wwwstu.tcu.edu/tiffanyhuff/fwhcc.html; http://arcg.is/RVpu2h